The prosperous Kingdom of Greengully, ruled for centuries by the Forever King, has issued a decree to its citizens to colonize the vast lands beyond its borders. In an effort to start a new village, the Forever King has selected 6 citizens for the task, each of whom has a unique set of skills they use to build their charter.
In Charterstone, a competitive legacy game, players construct buildings and inhabit a shared village. Building stickers are removed from cards and permanently added to your charter on the board, becoming action spaces for any player to use. Thus, a few available buildings soon grow into a bustling village with dozens of actions.
Customers are welcome to return sealed, unopened board games, puzzles, crafts, and decks of cards to the store within 30 days of purchase with valid receipt. Final sale on all trading card games, role playing games, Warhammer products, and concessions. Opened items cannot be returned, with the exception of the Library Effect.
The Library Effect: If you purchased and opened a board game that is not in our store's board game library and would like to return it, we will accept the return by refunding 50% of the purchase price in store credit. That game will go into the store's library for future patrons to try out prior to purchasing.